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Forthcoming                Prince, Barbara, Kara Joyner, and Wendy Manning. "Sexual Minorities, Social Context, and Union Formation." Population Research & Policy Review

2019                            Joyner, Kara, Wendy Manning, and Barbara Prince. “The Qualities of Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples in Young Adulthood.” Journal of Marriage and Family.

2015                            Prince, Barbara, Michele Lee Kozimor-King, and Jennifer Steele. “An Old Tool for a New Generation: Using the Star Power simulation to Teach Social Inequality.” Teaching Sociology 43(4): 301-309.

2014                            Darrah, Marjorie, James Hougland, and Barbara Prince.“Space, 

Salary, and Satisfaction: An Examination of Gender Differences in the Sciences.” Research in Higher Education Journal.23(April): 1-35. 

2012                            Prince, Barbara.“When is Mommy Coming Home?: A Content 

Analysis of Spillover on Parenthood.” Sociological Viewpoints. 28(1): 19-40.

Forthcoming                Prince, Barbara and Wendy Manning. “Sexual Minorities” entry in Macmillan Encyclopedia of Intimate and Family Relationships.

Book Chapters 

2018                            Kozimor-King, Michele Lee, and Barbara Prince. “A Collaborative 

Affair: Connecting Students with the Community through Research.” in Learning From Each Other: Refining the Practice of Teaching in Higher Education,edited by M.L. Kozimor-King and J. Chin. Oakland: University of California Press.

Forthcoming                Joyner, Kara, Wendy Manning, andBarbara Prince. “Social Context and the Stability of Same-Sex and Different-Sex Relationships.” In Same-Sex Unions, Health, and Well-Being, edited by Hui Liu, Corinne Reczek, and Lindsey Wilkinson. Rutgers University Press. 

Film Reviews 

2018                            Prince, Barbara. “Film Review: Out Run” Teaching Sociology

2016                            Prince, Barbara.“Film Review: Romeo, Romeo.” Teaching Sociology 44(2): 145- 148.

2015                            Prince, Barbara.“Film Review: Split: Divorce through Kids’ Eyes.” Teaching Sociology.43(2): 169-170.

In Progress

   In progress               Prince, Barbara. “Demographics, Social Context, and the Disclosure of Sexual Orientation Identity.” Journal to be determined. 

In progress               Prince, Barbara. “A Family Affair? The Effect of Mother’s Work Experience on Daughters Work-Family Conflict.” Journal to be determined.

In progress               Prince, Barbara.“An Examination of Work-Family Conflict Differences Between Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples.” Journal to be determined.

In progress               Kozimor-King, Michele Lee, and Barbara Prince.Research Methods in Action. Publisher solicited book proposal in progress and under negotiation with SAGE Publishing.

In progress               Joyner, Kara, Barbara Prince,and Wendy Manning. “Context and the Psychological Well-Being of Sexual Minority Women in Young Adulthood.” Journal to be determined. 

In progress               Kozimor-King, Michele Lee, Barbara Prince,and Michael Shields. “The Impact of Owners' Perceptions, Characteristics, and Attitudes on Equine Obesity.” To be submitted to Society & Animals. 

In progress               Prince, Barbaraand Michele Lee Kozimor-King. “Can You Hear Me Now? An Analysis of Cell Phone Policies and Usage in Higher Education.” Journal to be determined.

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